Frequently asked questions

Discover answers to your top questions about Privillage Stare – B&B, Villa and Chalet Resort. From amenities and booking details to services and activities. Our FAQ section provides insights to help you plan your perfect getaway. Explore what makes Privillage Stare a premier destination for relaxation and adventure!


Where is the Privillage STARE resort located?

What is the address and GPS coordinates?

What is your email address and phone number?

What types of accommodation do you offer?

What food choices are accessible?

Which popular attractions are near the resort Privillage STARE?

What languages do you speak?

Does Privillage STARE offer free WiFi?

What time is check-in and check-out?

Can I park my car at Privillage STARE resort?

What is the best time to visit Privillage Stare?

What is the cancellation policy?

What are the payment methods?

Does Privillage Resort STARE offer an airport shuttle service?

What is the pet policy?

Where can I get information about the privacy policy?

Can you smoke at Privillage STARE Resort?

Should I book directly?